Carlos Sevilla Salcedo
Postdoctoral researcher in Machine Learning
About me
I currently work as an assistant professor (profesor visitante) at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
I received the B.Sc. degree in telecommunication engineering from the Universidad de Granada in 2015. I then received the M.Sc. doing two bilingual masters in telecommunications engineering and multimedia and communications from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2017. In 2021, I received my Ph.D. from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2021 under the supervision of Dr. Vanessa Gómez Verdejo.
I worked for two years (2022 -2023) as a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University with Prof. Samuel Kaski and Dr. Arto Klami developing a Bayesian framework for multidisciplinary virtual laboratories called VAILabs.
My research is focused on Bayesian machine learning and latent models mainly used for health problems. My Ph.D. was centered around using neuroimaging data for the characterisation of mental disorders using Bayesian latent models. Since then, I have been exploring different approaches to work with Bayesian variational inference for tasks like working with longitudinal data or exploring kernel extensions.